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Learn Self-Custody the Smart Way!

futuristic looking hardware wallet

Achieve confident crypto self-custody in just a few weeks

Learn the essentials of self-custody. Find a hardware wallet and backup solution that suits your needs. Securely set up your seed phrase.
Establish a backup solution tailored to your circumstances. Finally, move your coins into self-custody with confidence.

Are you overwhelmed by complexity and technical jargon?

Crypto is a huge, complex rabbit hole, but to learn self-custody, you only need the essentials in the right context.

Which features of hardware wallets are important for you?

The choice of hardware wallets is vast, but how do you find one that is very secure yet not too complex to operate?

How to set up a seed phrase and back it up securely?

What are the best practices for securely creating a seed phrase and backing it up professionally?

Are you aware of all risks involved in crypto self-custody?

Not knowing what you don't know is the biggest risk in self-custody and can lead to a total and very surprising loss.

Our unique approach: Tailored self-study and instant support when you need it.

Master Crypto Self-Custody Step by Step

No prior crypto or technical knowledge required!
Our learning material is suited even for people who have no prior knowlegde about crypto, technology, hardware wallets or self-custody.
Breaking down the learning material into weekly tasks
By dividing the learning material into weekly topics you will have enough time and flexibility to learn at your own pace, digest, reflect or ask questions.
You only need to invest a few hours every week
Even if you live a very busy life, you will be able to achieve confident crytpo self-custody. Only a few hours are needed each week for your self-study.
Receive individual support exactly when you need it
While learning about crypto specific questions can arise at any moment. We are only one click away to support you exactly when you need it either via written text or voice messages.
Receive the learning material directly to your email every week
Every week we send your learning material to your email to make it super convenient for you to access the learning material even if you are on the go.
Pick your learning style: video presentation or self-study
Choose your way to learn: either listen to our video presentations or enjoy the quiet focus of reading at your own pace.
No account, registering or login needed to access our material
We have removed all the friction between you and your learning experience. No login, registering or passwords needed at all. Just click on the links in your email.
Receive automatic reminders when you're a little behind
In case you miss a weekly task we send you friendly reminders so you keep up with the course and don't fall too much behind and keep you motivated.
Find a hardware wallet and backup steel that really fits your needs
Choosing the best hardware wallet and crypto steel for your needs is the key for a great self-custody solution. We help you to make the best decision based on your individual user profile.
Meet other self-custody learners along the way
Part of our course is a private chat group where you can meet other people who are at the same level of learning and this is a great chance to make some crypto friends along the way.

Rated excellent on Trustpilot

Very professional, qualified and individual counselling. In this 2 hour counselling interview, I learned more about the essentials of crypto, and especially Bitcoin, than in days of online research. [...] I feel well advised and will definitely use the service more often in the near future.

— Oliver M.

I had a crypto interview and I was quite impressed about their knowledge and interesting advice. They helped me a lot with their professionalism and I will consider them for future advisory. Great service I highly recommend

— Johannes K.

I was helped a lot to avoid scams and how to properly buy and secure my crypto. Especially i have greately appreciated his help in dealing with the right exchanges and get good buy prices. I recommend him to all i know.

— Blerim M.

Got lot of gains from his advices and everything goes smooth when u have someone to advice you in new things like crypto and u are a beginer.

— Fairy T.

Great service. Patient with me as a client. I do recommend it and will surely be coming back!

— Valery

Email-Based Crypto Self-Custody Course

This course is all about teaching you self-custody in a simple and time-saving way. Even if you only have a few hours each week, you'll learn exactly what you need to know. Every week, we'll email you easy-to-understand learning materials in both written texts and videos, so you can choose your preferred way to learn. If you ever miss a lesson, don't worry – we'll send you a reminder to help you catch up. This course is designed to make learning how to keep your cryptocurrencies safe and under your control as straightforward and efficient as possible.

And the best part? Our course offers a unique and effective approach that blends self-study with individualized support, saving you valuable time. Whenever you face a challenge or have a question, just reach out to us. In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, having direct access to personalized assistance is a game changer. When you send us your queries, we'll provide tailored, easy-to-understand answers to help you move forward efficiently. This approach not only ensures a deeper understanding and practical application of knowledge but also makes your learning experience smoother, faster, and more effective.

Week 1 - Crypto Crash Course
In the first week of the course, you'll dive into all the essentials of cryptocurrencies, laying the foundation for your journey into self-custody and transaction management. Alongside this, we'll also explain the course logistics, ensuring you have a clear understanding of how the course is structured and what to expect in the upcoming weeks.
Week 2 - Self-Custody Matrix
This week's lesson features a comprehensive risk matrix, illustrating self-custody as a grid. Understanding this detailed network of relationships is essential for comprehending the nuances of securing your crypto assets effectively. Achieving the right balance among all these associated risks is the key to achieve a very secure overall strategy.
Week 3 - Choosing Hardware Wallet & Crypto Steel
This module helps you in selecting the ideal hardware wallet for your needs, reviewing various options, and guiding you through the ordering process to ensure you get the wallet and backup solution that best fits your requirements.
Week 4 - Security Practices in Crypto
Acquire knowledge about best practices for overall safety in crypto. This includes device management, transaction security, internet safety, and fraud prevention, crucial for maintaining security in all your digital financial transactions.
Week 5 - Setting Up Your Hardware Wallet
This week, we focus on the crucial task of setting up your hardware wallet for the first time while prioritizing security during the seed phrase generation process. Our step-by-step guidance ensures that you establish a strong foundation for the secure management of your crypto assets.
Week 6 - Backing Up Seed and Testing the Wallet
This important section covers the significance of backing up your wallet seed phrase and testing your wallet's functionality. Learn effective methods for creating a reliable steel backup and ensuring your wallet is functioning properly.
Week 7 - Transferring Coins into Your Hardware Wallet
In the final week of our 7-week course, you will learn how to securely move your cryptocurrency from an online wallet or exchange to your hardware wallet. By mastering this, you achieve the important goal of keeping your investments secure on your own, effectively utilizing cold storage.

Within seven weeks, you'll become confident in self-custody using your own hardware wallet and also establish your own crypto steel backup, following standard best practices.

only a few hours every week
receive directly to your inbox
learn with your own devices
near instant personal support
learn anywhere on the go

no login or password required
no more overwhelm or frustration
no more unanswered questions
no more technical language

Check Starting Dates

Frequently Asked Questions

Which cryptocurrencies are covered in the course?

Currently, our course focuses on Bitcoin self-custody, but we also support major altcoins (must be supported from hardware wallet without third party wallet connection). We're considering expanding our offerings to include altcoins including privacy coins that require hardware wallets in combination with native wallets in the future.

Can I use any hardware wallet for this course?

We recommend a curated selection of hardware wallets known for their reliability and ease of use. You're welcome to choose a wallet outside our list, but please note that our ability to assist with specific setup steps may be limited.
List of our currently supported hardware wallets:

  • Bitbox02
  • Cypherock X1
  • Ledger Nano X
  • Trezor One
  • Trezor Safe 3

  • Do I need prior experience with cryptocurrencies?

    Not at all! Our course is designed from the ground up to teach you the essentials of secure self-custody, including backup procedures. It's perfect for beginners.

    Is it necessary to use real funds to explore the features of my hardware wallet?

    No, we offer to provide you with "Test Bitcoin" so you can try all hardware wallet features without using real funds (only available for Trezor).

    Is there a limit to personal support during the course?

    Every participant is provided with individualized support to navigate the course curriculum, overcome any confusion, or address obstacles encountered. This assistance is available through emails, chat messages, or voice messages. However, we must emphasize that the volume of questions should be kept reasonable, and we cannot allocate time to extensively discuss details or philosophical questions not directly relevant to the course objectives. For those interested in exploring specific topics in depth, we offer a 50% discount on additional coaching sessions throughout the course duration.

    What is your refund policy?

    If you find it necessary to cancel within the first week of the course, rest assured, you'll receive a full refund. Should you opt to do so during the second week, we can offer a 50% refund. Please note, refunds are not available after the second week.

    What if I'm unable to continue the course due to unforeseen circumstances?

    We understand that life can be unpredictable. If you need to pause your participation, we'll happily reschedule you for the next available course at no additional cost.

    Can I get to know you before I decide to book the course?

    Sure, we offer a free 30 minute orientation call: schedule free call

    Which payment methods do you accept?

    We accept over 300 cryptocurrencies, as well as Lightning and fiat. For payments with Monero or Pirate Chain, we offer a 5% discount.

    Do you have additional questions?

    Feel free to reach out to us directly via our contact form.

    Yes, send me occasional newsletter, articles and offers - I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

    Knowledge Base: Self-Custody

    Crypto self-custody explained in simple terms to secure your digital assets perfectly in 2024



    A powerful tool to secure your custodial digital assets.

    What does 2FA stand for?
    2FA, or Two-Factor Authentication, serves as an umbrella term for a security strategy where users must provide two distinct authentication factors to verify their identity. This approach is particularly secure because it requires authentication through two different methods or devices, such as a password combined with short time codes from a 2FA app.
    What are the various 2FA methods?
    Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ranges from mandatory methods automatically applied for security, such as email confirmation links, SMS verifications, and in-app confirmations, to voluntary options like using external apps to generate One-Time Passwords (OTPs). Users must opt-in for these voluntary methods, which provide an additional layer of security.
    What is the difference between 2FA and self-custody?
    Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires two forms of identification to access an account, enhancing security. Self-custody refers to personally holding and managing your digital assets, like cryptocurrencies, without third-party involvement, offering full control over your assets. They address security and asset management, respectively.
    How to enable 2FA for a crypto exchange?
    • login to your exchange account and enable "authenticator app"
    • install an 2FA app on your phone e.g. Google Authenticator or 2FAS
    • scan the QR code in the account to generate a new entry in your app
    • optional: save a copy of the 2FA backup code
    • every time you access your account enter the number from the app


    Backups play a crucial role in any self-custody setup.

    What is a backup in regards to self-custody?
    A backup is essential for cryptocurrency recovery, allowing you to regain access to your funds by inputting the seed phrase into a new hardware wallet. This process restores your digital assets, ensuring you don't lose them even if the original device is compromised or lost.
    Do I need a backup for non-custodial wallets?
    Yes, a seed phrase backup is crucial. Hardware wallets can break, be lost, or stolen, whereas other non-custodial wallets face the risk of losing access due to devices like phones or computers being stolen. A backup ensures you can recover your cryptocurrencies.
    What does a backup look like?
    A backup of a non-custodial wallet generally consists of 12 or 24 words called the seed. This list of words is also known as a seed phrase, recovery phrase, mnemonic phrase, or master password, among other terms.
    How do I store a seed backup?
    To protect a seed backup from fire, water, and physical damage, storing it on a durable material such as steel is essential. Many options are available for this purpose, including products known as cryptosteel, designed to keep the seed safe under almost any conditions.
    Where to store a seed backup?
    Ensure your seed backup is kept in a highly secure location, inaccessible to unauthorized individuals, like a bank vault or personal safe, to prevent any possibility of the words being read or copied.

    Cold Storage

    Maximise security for your crypto assets with (deep) cold storage.

    What does cold storage mean?
    Cold storage secures cryptocurrency by keeping it offline, shielding it from online vulnerabilities. Unlike internet-connected "hot wallets," cold storage utilizes devices like hardware wallets, which use firewalls or airgaps to isolate the private key and seed from online risks.
    What is the difference between cold storage and deep cold storage?
    Cold storage refers to keeping cryptocurrency wallets offline to protect them from cyber threats, using methods like hardware wallets or other physical media. Deep cold storage enhances this by adding extra security layers, including storing these mediums in secure, remote locations like vaults, for heightened long-term asset protection.

    Crypto Steel

    Best practice for indestructible seed storage.

    What is cryptosteel?
    Cryptosteel is a standard for seed backup solutions with engraved/stamped letters on steel to protect against data loss from fire, water, or physical impact. Available as kits, users either stamp letters or assemble pre-made plates.


    The awareness of cybersecurity is as important as a top hardware wallet.

    Why does cybersecurity matter?
    Awareness of cybersecurity plays an important role if you want to keep your digital assets safe, even when using a hardware wallet. Users need to be aware of common methods by which others try to gain access to wallets and other sensitive information, such as very hard to defend social engineering attacks.

    Hardware Wallets

    The ultimate way to keep your private keys secure.

    What does a hardware wallet do?
    A hardware wallet is a physical device that stores your seed/private keys offline, ensuring they're not exposed to the internet when you sign transactions that need to be submitted online. A reliable hardware wallet keeps your seed safe, even if the device is stolen.

    Hot Wallets

    Easily usable, but with the silent risk of absolute loss.

    What is a hot wallet?
    A hot wallet is a digital cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet, offering easy and quick access to funds for transactions. While convenient, its online nature makes it more susceptible to security challenges and breaches compared to offline, cold storage solutions.
    Can a hot wallet be self-custodial?
    Yes, a hot wallet can be self-custodial, enabling users to have complete control over their private keys and cryptocurrency. However, storing a seed phrase online significantly increases the risk of it being leaked and losing all funds.
    How much money should I store in a hot wallet?
    You should store only as much money in a hot wallet as you would comfortably carry in a purse or wallet, acknowledging it could easily be lost or stolen. Think of it as the digital equivalent of cash you'd have on hand for daily expenses.
    Are some hot wallets safer than others?
    The security of hot wallets largely depends on the device they run on. Mobile device hot wallets typically offer the highest security, followed by desktop wallets. Browser-based wallets are seen as the least secure, with increased risks from online vulnerabilities.


    Consumers gamble, investors accumulate wealth.

    How can I make quick wealth?
    The plain truth is that there are no shortcuts to quick wealth. Yet, the temptation of fast riches is powerful, enabling unscrupulous individuals to profit from those who pursue this illusion. Similarly, the idea of making money through crypto trading is part of this deceptive narrative. The concept of trading as a reliable source of income usually enriches those selling courses and dreams, not the traders themselves. Don't be deceived. Aim to be an investor, not a gambler.
    How do some people make a lot of money with cryptocurrency?
    Individuals often profit by creating crypto projects that solve real problems, turning these into valuable businesses. Some achieve success by investing early in crypto projects that later become popular, although finding these early winners is largely based on luck, given most projects fail. Generally, long-term investment strategies tend to be much more financially rewarding than short-term trading.
    What is Dollar-Cost Averaging?
    Dollar-Cost Averaging, also called DCA, is an investment strategy where you consistently buy a fixed amount of crypto at regular intervals, regardless of market price. This helps mitigate the impact of market volatility over time. On average, this results in a lower purchasing price. Otherwise humans tend to buy high and sell low due to emotional reactions to market movements, which they do unintentionally and uncontrollably.


    Self-custody and the global mosaic of ever changing crypto laws.

    Is crypto self-custody legal in my country?
    The legality of self-custody in cryptocurrencies largely depends on a country's stance on digital assets. In places where crypto is legal, individuals often have the liberty to manage their assets via private wallets, in line with blockchain's emphasis on user control. Yet, global regulations vary, with some nations implementing rules that impact the usage, storage, and taxation of cryptocurrencies in self-custody, while others may enforce restrictions or outright bans. For a comprehensive view of cryptocurrency laws worldwide, visit CoinGecko.
    Could governments regulate self-custody?
    Governments considering rules for people to register their self-custody cryptocurrency wallets face challenges in enforcing them due to the decentralized nature of blockchains. On one hand, Tor can conceal the transmission of transactions from your computer, on the other hand, it remains challenging to obscure their origins and destinations due to the transparent nature of many blockchains. Explore cryptocurrency laws globally on CoinGecko.


    Balancing act: Lightning Network and self-custody management.

    Is Bitcoin Lightning network self-custodial?
    The Lightning Network was designed for speed and affordability, with the trade-off being custodianship for the user. Operating personal Lightning nodes offers self-custody but demands technical knowledge and risk-taking. Custodial wallets like Wallet of Satoshi provide easy setups and low fees. Self-custodial Lightning wallets such as Phoenix Wallet automate channel management and offer self-custody; however, there are fees involved.


    Straight answers for various topics.

    Are crypto mentors real?
    Crypto mentors are real, but their authenticity varies. While good mentors genuinely empower you to grow and unlock your potential in the crypto world, some may exploit the trust you place in them, primarily aiming to sell their products. These products can include courses, specific coin projects, or newsletter subscriptions. It's crucial to discern their motivations before engaging.
    What about cold storage and traveling?
    Any good hardware wallet utilizes encrypted chips and a PIN to protect against unauthorized access, even if stolen. However, if you carry a backup like a crypto steel, ensure you use a solution that stores the seed in a way that cannot be easily read by customs or X-ray scanners, such as a capsule. Plain steel plates can easily expose your seed when crossing borders. Using a passphrase account could add another layer of protection in case your crypto steel is stolen or you are asked to disclose your seed at certain borders where such requests are legal.


    A powerful yet questionable tool for individual crypto security.

    What is multisig?
    Multisig, short for multi-signature, is a security feature requiring two or more signatures to authorize a cryptocurrency transaction, enhancing security by dividing control among multiple parties. While it offers increased protection by preventing a single point of failure, multisig setups are complex to backup and were primarily intended for use by businesses and entities, rather than individuals. This complexity arises from the need to securely manage and store multiple private keys. The technology is ideal for managing joint funds or securing large cryptocurrency holdings, providing a robust security layer that mitigates the risks associated with single-key wallets.
    How does multisig work?
    Multisig requires multiple keys to authorize a cryptocurrency transaction, enhancing security by distributing control. For example, in a 2-of-3 setup, out of three participants, any two must sign a transaction for it to be executed. This method prevents unilateral fund movement and is ideal for shared fund management. Its advantage lies in adding an extra layer of security, protecting against theft or loss from a single compromised key.


    The most underrated skill in crypto investing.

    What is opsec?
    OPSEC, or Operational Security, is vital in safeguarding private keys and digital assets for those holding cryptocurrency. Sharing details about significant holdings online can make one a target, as posts about large Bitcoin investments can attract those with malicious intentions. Such exposure weakens OPSEC by making valuable information public, potentially leading to unauthorized access through cyber attacks or social engineering. Therefore, keeping cryptocurrency assets private is essential for effective OPSEC and ensuring the safety of one's digital wealth.


    Maximize security with a passphrase - the 2FA for your seed.

    What is a passphrase?
    A passphrase feature adds an extra layer of security to your hardware wallet by requiring an additional password, in addition to the regular seed, to access your funds. This further protects your assets from unauthorized access in case your seed is compromised. A passphrase simply creates an additional hidden account for your seed.


    Not your keys not your coins.

    What is self-custody?
    Self-custody refers to individuals directly managing and safeguarding their own assets, such as cryptocurrencies, without relying on third-party entities like exchanges or custodial wallets. This typically involves storing private keys securely, providing complete control and responsibility over one's digital assets.
    Why is self-custody important?
    Self-custody matters because centralized exchanges or custodial wallets can be breached, go bankrupt, or mismanage funds, resulting in complete loss. In recent years, billions have been lost due to such incidents, highlighting the importance of personal control over assets.
    What is the difference between self-custody and non-custodial?
    Self-custody refers to individuals directly managing and controlling their assets, such as a seed for cryptocurrencies, while non-custodial services provide an online platform like a wallet and hold assets on behalf of users but without having knowledge or control over the seed.
    Is self-custody better than non-custodial?
    Yes, self-custody is safer because you control the seed, which stays completely offline if handled correctly. With non-custodial solutions, you also control the seed, but it is exposed to the internet when entered into the app or copied for backup.
    Who inventend self-custody?
    Since ancient times, people hid their wealth themselves. Over time, we trusted others to keep it safe, but that trust was often broken. Now, as we seek more control, self-custody is coming back, letting us directly manage our assets in today's digital world.

    Free 30 Minute Crypto Orientation Call

    A dialog is the best way to explore crypto and answer questions. We are happy to offer you one free 30 minute orientation call to get to know each other and plan your crypto journey. No strings attached.

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